
Crystalmaker examples
Crystalmaker examples

crystalmaker examples

The documentation, including user guides as well as detailed reference, For example, to build documentation from source: git clone To build documentation, you will need a few more packages, listed inĭev-requirements.txt. You can install the latest development version using pip as well: python -m pip install git+git:///LaurentRDC/crystals.git InstallationĬrystals is available on the Python Package Index: pip install crystalsįor users of the conda package manager, crystals is also availableįrom the conda-forge channel: conda install -c conda-forge crystalsĬrystals can also be installed from source: git clone It was made to be integrated into larger projects (like

crystalmaker examples

Although crystals can be used on its own, Positions, scattering utilities, allows for symmetry determination, and

crystalmaker examples

crystals helps with readingĬrystallographic files (like. Crystals is a library of data structure and algorithms to manipulateĪbstract crystals in a Pythonic way.

Crystalmaker examples