
Download pvzgw2 steam
Download pvzgw2 steam

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Each character has special skills, which are well-balanced, and has three unlockable special moves as they level up in the game.įrom the main menu, you can access the section of the store where, unlike in the mobile game, you don't have to spend real money. Zombies: Garden Warfare has four classes of plants and just as many zombies as we saw in the original. In the first, plants have to defend a number of locations scattered across the map in the second, the winner is the team that manages to kill 50 opponents first. Both games are played by two teams of 12 on 12. Multiplayer Mode takes the form of a classic shooter, offering two different games: Gardens & Graveyards and Team Vanquish.

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Similar to the iOS and Android versions, part of your success depends on which plants you use to shoot with. Playing co-op multiplayer with up to 4 people, the game is a shooter mixed with tower defense in which you have to protect your station from attacks by the undead. Garden Ops mode is more similar to the original game, where the objective is to destroy hordes of zombies. There are two basic game modes, Garden Ops and Multiplayer, where you can play as either zombies, or plants. Zombies: Garden Warfare is a shooter played exclusively as an online multiplayer on PC and Xbox 360, as well as with a local mode on Xbox One.

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